How can you list your fundraising requirements on LiveDeals?
Why should you post your fundraising requirement on LiveDeals?
How can you edit/manage your listings on LiveDeals?
How to check if someone has left interest on your listing?
Who can see your listing on LiveDeals?
What is the validity of your listing on LiveDeals?
What are the eligibility criteria for creating a listing on LiveDeals?
Do I need to be a paid Tracxn member to create a LiveDeals listing?
What information and documents do I need before creating listings on LiveDeals?
How can I keep my information/deals private/restricted?
How many investors are using LiveDeals, and are they from any specific geography?
What information is shown to investors?
Can I share my deal with specific investors?
Is there any limit on the number of deals created by a user?
How does Tracxn benefit from LiveDeals?
What if I don't have a pitch deck?
How long before I can expect to get a deal?
How is Live Deals different from the other platforms?
Can an Incubator create a listing on behalf of their portfolio companies?
Whose contact details to upload at the time of deal creation?