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What are the data points available in an export of companies?
What are the data points available in an export of companies?
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

You can view the below data points for each company in the companies export file downloaded from the companies database page.



Companies Covered

Company Details, Employee Count, Revenue Trends

Funding Rounds

Funding Round Details, Investors in Funding Rounds


Acquisition details of companies


IPO Date, Issue Price at IPO, List Price at IPO, Total Amount Raised at IPO, etc.


Leaderboard with respect to App Rating, Social Followers, Mobile Downloads, Number of Funding Rounds, Number of Institutional Investors, News Articles, etc.

Soonicorn Club

Soonicorn Club Event Date, Latest Soonicorn Status, etc


Founders Info, Angel Investors Info, Board Members Info, Other Team Members Info such as the LinkedIn Profile Links, Emails, past work and education details, Photo URL and Phone Number.

Screenshot of a sample export file is attached below:

Website status are status codes which indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed with the specific company website and they're split into five groups

  • 1XX — Informational Responses

  • 2XX — Success Responses

  • 3XX — Redirection Responses

  • 4XX — Client Error Responses

  • 5XX — Server Error Responses

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