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How are Companies ranked?
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated this week
  • Ranks are calculated by sorting the competitors of a Company in ascending order of Tracxn Score & obtaining its position among competitors.

What is Tracxn Score?

Tracxn score is a proprietary score based on company's standing against other companies. Tracxn score is composed of four metrics: Size Score, Execution Score, Growth Score, and Team Score.

You can know more about Tracxn Score here.

Tracxn Score Calculation:

  • A total of 3.7M+ entities profiled by Tracxn are compared using the various metrics

  • Percentile for each metric is calculated using below formula,

  • Tracxn Scores is then calculated as a simple average of all the associated percentiles

Percentile for a metric = Total number of companies with same or less metrics value / Total number of companies curated on Tracxn platform


Percentile Calculation for Metric: Total Funding

  • Let Total Funding be = $ X B

  • Number of Companies with Total Funding <= $ X B = Y

  • Total number of companies curated on Tracxn platform = Z

  • Percentile for Total Funding = Y/Z

  • These Scores are then calculated as a simple average of all the associated percentiles

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