Use the Investors view to find out the top investors in any Sector and Geo.
Find investors using different filters:
Investor-specific filters like Investor Location
Investment-specific filters like Investment Sector
Investment Round filters like Round Name
Some of the popular use cases
I want the list of Berlin-based investors who invest in seed, series A rounds (Link)
Investor City = Berlin
Round Name = Seed, Series A
VCs who invest in consumer brands in the US (Link)
Investor Type = Venture Capital Funds
Investment Country = United States
Investment Practice Area = Consumer
Fintech investors that invest in Europe (Link)
Investment Practice Area = FinTech
Investment Country = Europe
VC and PE funds that have invested in Russia within the past three years (Link)
Investor Type = Venture Capital Fund, Private Equity
Investment Country = Russia
Investment Date between 1 Sep 2020 and 1 Sep 2023
Debt investors that invest in Australian startups (Link)
Investor Type = Private Debt Funds
Investment Country = Australia
How it works?
Step 2: Click Filters
Step 3: Select filters to get relevant investors
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