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What is News?
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

Tracxn tracks media mentions of companies that are covered on the platform. These media articles are available for reading on the platform.

  • News can help understand a company's timeline by correlating funding, product releases, geographic expansion, internal changes, etc.

  • Since the same news can be covered by multiple publications, all coverage of a specific news item is grouped together.

    • You can click "View Details" on any News item to see Related Coverage.

One can access News about a company in two ways:

  • From the Home Page, under Companies Databases > News : Here we publish the latest News in real-time on our main page, providing direct access to the most recent updates.

  • From the Company Details Page, under the News tab: Here we provide all the News where there is a mention of that company which can be further read based on the type of News: transactions, Company’s updates, Recognition, earnings, sector commentary, other news

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