How to get Tracxn's Web app ?
Step by Step
Step 1: Open in your native browser (Safari) on iPhone or iPad.
Step 2: Click on the 'Share / Upload' icon and choose “Add to Homescreen”.
Step 3: Set the name for the web app as 'Tracxn'
Step 4: Voila! You have added ‘Tracxn’ to the Homescreen of your device.
How to use Tracxn's Web app on your device ?
Step by Step
Step 1: Whenever you want to access Tracxn, just click on Tracxn App logo on your device's homescreen
Step 2: Click on the menu icon on the top right corner and click on 'Login' from the menu
Step 3: Enter your credentials
step 4: You can now access full power of Tracxn's data at a click of button
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