Go to your custom dashboard in the 'My Dashboards' page and click on ‘+Add Widget’. This will open the ‘Add a New Widget’ page.
Please refer to this article on how to set up a new dashboard.
In the ‘Add a New Widget’ page,
In the ‘Query’ section, by default, ‘Custom URL’ radio button will be selected. Copy - paste any custom Tracxn query URL. (For instance, you can employ this custom URL query to retrieve Unicorns based in India).
In the ‘No.Of Entries’ section, from the drop down menu, choose the number of entries you would like to see.
Enter a custom name for your widget in the ‘Name’ section.
Click on Save and the widget will be added.
Below shows an example of a Widget that sources companies located in India that have raised funding and the Tracxn query URL for the same is - Link.