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What is Unicorn Business Summary Report?
What is Unicorn Business Summary Report?
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

Tracxn's Unicorn Business Summary report is focused on a single unicorn company and helps you in benchmarking the company of your interest against relevant Unicorns.

The Report includes (EX. Grover):

  • Deep Dive into the Unicorn

    • Review core product offerings to understand the value proposition offered by the company to various customer segments

    • Assess Company profile through a top-level snapshot of the company covering Valuation, Funding, Team details, Social statistics, etc.

    • Evaluate the Business outlook of the company through metrics such as revenue, user base, notable clientele, growth parameters

  • Expert View

    • Check out the views of key investors, founders, and other relevant news and videos on the Unicorn

  • Competitive Landscape

    • Get details on top players in the market to understand the competitive scenario

  • Top-Level Market Statistics

    • Review market size and growth prospects to aid in predicting the growth of the company

  • In case the report you are looking for is not on the platform, you can place an On Demand request through the 'Request New Report'

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