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What is Sector & Geo Investor Analysis Report?
What is Sector & Geo Investor Analysis Report?
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

Tracxn’s Sector & Geo Investor Analysis reports help you analyse different categories of investors in your market based on their funding patterns - Stage of Entry, Focus sectors and Geographies.

You can also get contact details of all the investors for quick reach out.

These reports are available for multiple Geographies and 300+ Feeds. A few trending reports are made available on the platform. You can place On Demand request for report on any Sector-Geo combination of your choice through 'Request New Report' button here

The Report includes:

  1. Comprehensive Investor data

    • Review the investors based on their location, preferred investment rounds, Sector & Geography of the portfolio companies

    • Access the entire spectrum of investors : VCs , Private Equity Funds, Private Debt Funds, Incubators & Accelerators, Corporates

    • Access the contact details, exits and other relevant portfolio news on the investors

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  1. Deep-dive into Investments in Sector & Geo

    • Access the relevant portfolio companies of the investors along with key performance metrics, team background, business model details and more

    • Analyze funding rounds in the Sector & Geo to understand the investment trends

Reports - Sector & Geo Analysis - Deep Dive1.png

You can explore the Sector & Geo Investor Analysis Report from the Products > Reports > Sector & Geo Investor Analysis Page

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