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Activity trends (Deal Flow CRM)
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Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over 2 years ago

Activity trends in your CRM are condensed graphical representations that enable you to efficiently analyse and comprehend extensive amounts of activity data. These trends serve as valuable tools for assessing the progression of your deals over time. For instance, the Stage Movements chart provides insights into the pace at which deals in your workflow are advancing.

The following charts are currently available:

  • Deals Added to the CRM

  • Notes & Documents Added

  • Stage Movements

  • Deals Removed from the CRM

By default, these charts display month-on-month data. However, you have the flexibility to switch to week-on-week data by utilising the 'View by (X-' dropdown selection. Moreover, you can choose to focus on activities made by specific users by selecting their names from the 'Action By' quick filter.

Furthermore, by accessing the Filter option, you can filter the activity trends based on First added date to deal flow CRM, assignees, source, stage, company name and so on.

These charts empower you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your CRM activities, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. They offer a clear visual representation of the information, simplifying analysis and facilitating informed actions based on the insights derived from the activity trends.

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