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Activity logs (Deal Flow CRM)
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Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

Activity logs serve as an effective means to stay updated on all the actions and changes made within your CRM. For every action you take, such as adding or removing companies, assignees, sources, teams, updating stages, and managing tasks, notes, and documents, an activity log is generated.

Who all will be able to view my activities?

  • As for the visibility of your activities, all users within your Tracxn account will have access to view the activity logs. This means that any user within your organization can review and stay informed about the actions and updates recorded in the CRM.

Here's how you can view activities in your CRM:

View activities on a deal

  • You can view all the activities logged on a deal from “All Activities” log option in Company's Deal Flow CRM page

View all activities

Filters on activity:

  • The activity view in the CRM offers activity-specific filters that enhance its power and usefulness. These filters allow you to narrow down the displayed activities based on various criteria, providing you with quick and convenient access to the desired information within the activity log.

  • You can utilize these filters to refine the activity view based on factors such as the type of action, date of the action, the individual who performed the action, and more. By applying these filters, you can easily retrieve specific activity log details at your fingertips.

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