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Bulk Actions - Update/ remove deals in bulk (Deal Flow CRM)
Bulk Actions - Update/ remove deals in bulk (Deal Flow CRM)
MyAnalyst avatar
Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

Important Note: Currently, you can perform bulk actions only in the table view Click here to go to Table view

How does this work?

  • You can update deal information or remove companies from Deal Flow CRM in bulk.

  • Select the companies by clicking on the check box next to the company name

  • Once your selections are made, click on Bulk Actions button to either update deal information or remove deals from your Deal Flow CRM

What actions can I perform in bulk?

  • You can change the stage of a company, add/remove assignees, update sources and the teams assigned to the companies. You can add notes or documents for all the selected companies at once using the β€œUpdate deal information” option.

  • You can also remove companies in bulk with the β€œRemove from CRM” option.

Note: If you are looking to add companies in bulk, use the 'Add Companies' button

How long does it take to reflect in my Deal Flow CRM?

  • In most cases, you should be able to see the changes instantly. You can also track the progress of your request through Activity > Bulk Action requests

In case of any queries, please reach out to [email protected]

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