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Table View (Deal Flow CRM)
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Written by MyAnalyst
Updated over a week ago

The table view is a powerful administrative view within Deal Flow CRM that helps you easily consume large amounts of data. It also helps you run analytics using company filters in the CRM view.

The "Customize View" selector of the CRM allows you to filter deals by Stage Type. You can learn more about ‘Stage Types’ here.

The “Bulk Actions” option is a feature that is available only in the “Table” view of the CRM.

How does this work?

  • You can update deal information or remove companies from Deal Flow CRM in bulk.

  • Select the companies by clicking on the check box next to the company name

  • Once your selections are made, click on Bulk Actions button to either update deal information or remove deals from your Deal Flow CRM

What all actions can I perform in bulk?

  • You can change the stage of a company, add/remove assignees, update sources and the teams assigned to the companies. You can add notes or documents for all the selected companies at once using the “Update deal information” option.

  • You can also remove companies in bulk with the “Remove from CRM” option.

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